Avalanche - Spirent TestCenter
■ 품목
- SPT N4U Chassis
- MXP 10G S4 mX HyperMetrics Card 10GBE SFP+ 4Ports (L2~L7)
- MX 10G S2 mX HyperMetrics Card 10GBE SFP+ 2Ports (L2~L7)
■ Layer 2/3 generator and analyzer
■ Layer 4-7 application and security
■ Network Devices Performance Testing
- Firewall, Application Firewall, Load Balancer, Cache, Proxy, URL Filter, Content Filter, Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Reverse- Proxy, SSL Accelerator, HTTP/HTTPS Accelerator, WAN Accelerators, SMTP Relay, IDS/IPS, IPSec VPN Gateway, SSL VPN Gateway
■Application Server Performance Testing
- Validates the performance of several types of real servers including Web Server, CIFS Server, Application Server, Mail Server, DHCP Services, FTP Server, DNS Server, Telnet Server, RTSP/RTP QuickTime Streaming Server, Multicast Server, RTMP Servers, NFS, and more
■ Protocols
- IP Version : IPv4 and IPv6
- Access : DHCP, PPPoE and IPSec
- Authentication : 802.1x, Network Access Control (NAC), Radius
- Data : HTTP, HTTPS, FTP (Active/Passive), DNS, TELNET, SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, CIFS, RADIUS, MM4, RTMP, ICMP, NFS and Capture/Replay
- Extended Protocols : BitTorrent, Gnutella, MSN, Yahoo, SKYPE, SQL, MYSQL, Oracle, SMB, NFS, Remote Desktop, Exchange, LDAP
- Network : 802.1Q and 802.1 Q-in-Q
- Transport : TCP, UDP, SSLv2, SSLv3 and TLSv1
- Voice : SIP over TCP, SIP over UDP
- Voice Codec : G711A, G711U, G.723.1, G726-32, G.728 and G729AB
- Voice Quality Measurement : MOS R-factor
- Video : Flash Streaming using RTMP/RTMPT, Unicast Streaming Quicktime RTSP/RTP, Unicast Streaming RealNetwork RTSP/RTP, Unicast Streaming Microsoft MMS, Multicast Streaming IGMPv2, IGMPv3 and MLDv2
- Video Codec : MPEG-1, H.261, MPEG-2. H.262, MPEG-4. H.264
- Video Quality : MDI measurements along with additional stats to detect picture quality
- Vulnerability Assessment : L2/L4 DDOS Attacks and L4/L7 Application Attacks including SANs Top-20 Internet Security Attacks